
ab Meaning in Bengali

/prefix/ অব-; অপ;

Part of Speech:



ab (pronounced as /æb/)


The word “ab” is a noun that refers to the abdominal muscles, commonly known as abs. It is the area of the body between the chest and the pelvis, which contains the stomach, intestines, and other organs.


1. পেট (pet)
2. উদর (udar)
3. পাকস্থলী (paksthali)
4. পেটকোষ (petkosh)
5. পেটপাতা (petpata)


1. মাথা (matha) – Head
2. হৃদয় (hrdaya) – Heart
3. পেটের পিছনের অংশ (peter picchoner angsha) – Back of the abdomen
4. পেটের দিকের অংশ (peter dikher angsha) – Front of the abdomen
5. পেটের পাশের অংশ (peter pasher angsha) – Side of the abdomen


The word “ab” originated from the Latin word “abdomen,” which means the belly or abdomen. It has been used in English since the late 19th century.

Nearby Words:

1. অবকাশ (abkash) – Leave
2. অবকাশ নেওয়া (abkash neoya) – Take leave
3. অবকাশ দেওয়া (abkash deoya) – Grant leave
4. অবকাশ পাওয়া (abkash pawa) – Get leave
5. অবকাশ দেওয়ার জন্য আবেদন করা (abkash deoyar jonno abedon kora) – Apply for leave

Usage in Sentences:

1. He has been working hard to get six-pack abs.
2. She exercises regularly to strengthen her abs.
3. The boxer’s powerful abs helped him withstand the opponent’s punches.
4. The fitness instructor demonstrated various exercises to tone the abs.
5. I need to do more sit-ups to develop my abs.

Ab in Literature Quotes:

1. “His abs were as hard as steel.” – The Bodybuilder’s Journey
2. “She admired his chiseled abs from afar.” – Love and Fitness
3. “The protagonist’s abs rippled with every movement.” – The Warrior Within
4. “The model flaunted her washboard abs on the magazine cover.” – Fashion and Fitness

1. পেট খাড়া করা (pet khara kora) – To make someone laugh uncontrollably (literally means “to make the stomach ache”).
2. পেট ভরাট করা (pet bharat kora) – To eat a lot (literally means “to fill the stomach”).
3. পেট খাওয়া (pet khawa) – To have a meal (literally means “to feed the stomach”).
4. পেট খারাপ (pet kharap) – To have a stomachache (literally means “stomach is bad”).

Usage in American English:

In American English, “ab” is commonly used as an abbreviation for “about” or “absent.”

Usage in British English:

In British English, “ab” is often used as an abbreviation for “able seaman,” which refers to a rank in the Royal Navy.

Meaning in Different Languages:

Hindi: पेट (pet)
Nepali: पेट (pet)
Urdu: پیٹ (pet)
Tamil: வயிறு (vayiru)
Telugu: పేటకు (petaku)
Malayalam: പെട്ടിയില്‍ (pettiyil)
Arabic: بطن (batn)
Chinese: 腹部 (fùbù)
French: abdomen
German: Bauch
Italian: addome
Japanese: 腹部 (fukubu)
Russian: живот (zhivot)
Spanish: abdomen

For more information, you can visit Wikipedia.org, Dictionary.com, and TheFreeDictionary.com.