
Abdicate Meaning in Bengali

Part of Speech:




Short Definition:

Abdicate means to renounce or give up a position of power or responsibility.


Resign, relinquish, step down, surrender, quit


Assume (গ্রহণ করা), Retain (ধরে রাখা), Hold (ধরে রাখা), Occupy (দখল করা), Seize (জব্দ করা)


The word “abdicate” originated from the Latin word “abdīcāre” which means “to renounce.”

Nearby Words:

Abdicable (পরিত্যাগযোগ্য), Abdication (পরিত্যাগ), Abdicative (পরিত্যাগপূর্ণ), Abdicator (পরিত্যাগকারী), Abdomen (পেট)

Abdicate in Literature Quotes:

“Power is not something that can be assumed or abdicated at will like one’s undergarments.” – Wole Soyinka

“A king who abdicates ceases to be a king.” – Louis Bonaparte

“To abdicate from the system is to lose the power to change it.” – Ursula K. Le Guin

“The greatest king is he who has himself as his subject.” – Thomas Fuller

1. Abdicate one’s responsibilities (দায়িত্ব পরিত্যাগ করা) – He abdicated his responsibilities as the CEO of the company.

2. Abdicate the throne (সিংহাসন পরিত্যাগ করা) – The king decided to abdicate the throne and retire.

Usage in American English:

In American English, “abdicate” is commonly used to refer to a monarch or ruler giving up their position.

Usage in British English:

In British English, “abdicate” is used in the same way as in American English, to denote the act of a monarch or ruler renouncing their position.

Meaning in Different Languages:

Hindi: त्याग करना (Tyag karna)

Nepali: त्याग गर्नु (Tyāga garnu)

Urdu: ترک کرنا (Tark karna)

Tamil: திரும்பிவிடு (Tirumbi viṭu)

Telugu: వదిలివేయి (Vadiliveyi)

Arabic: تنازل (Tanazul)

Chinese: 退位 (Tuì wèi)

Japanese: 退位する (Taii suru)

Russian: отрекаться (Otrekat’sya)

For more information, visit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdication

Source: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/abdicate

Source: https://www.thefreedictionary.com/abdicate