Ache Meaning in Bengali
Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
Pronunciation: eyk
Meaning in Bengali:
1. ব্যথা (byatha)
2. কষ্ট (kosto)
3. দুঃখ (dukh)
Short Definition:
Ache refers to a continuous or prolonged dull pain or discomfort.
1. Pain (ব্যথা)
2. Suffering (কষ্ট)
3. Distress (দুঃখ)
1. Pleasure (আনন্দ)
2. Comfort (সুখ)
3. Relief (সাহায্য)
The word “ache” originated from the Old English word “æce” which means pain or distress.
Nearby Words:
1. Ached (Verb)
2. Aches (Noun)
3. Acheless (Adjective)
Ache in Literature Quotes:
1. “The ache for home lives in all of us.” – Maya Angelou
2. “The ache of love is in everything.” – Rumi
3. “The ache of loneliness is like a physical pain.” – Haruki Murakami
4. “The ache for someone to understand and connect with you is universal.” – Oprah Winfrey
Meaning in Different Languages:
Hindi: दर्द (dard)
Nepali: दुख (dukh)
Urdu: درد (dard)
Tamil: வலி (vali)
Telugu: నొప్పు (noppu)
Arabic: ألم (alam)
Chinese: 疼痛 (téngtòng)
Japanese: 痛み (itami)
Russian: боль (bol’)
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