Almsman Meaning in Bengali
In Bengali, the word “almsman” can be translated as ভিক্ষুক (bikṣuk).
Part of Speech
The part of speech for “almsman” is a noun.
The pronunciation of “almsman” is /ɑːmzˌmæn/.
Short Definition of Almsman
An almsman refers to a person who receives or lives on alms, typically given as charity or as a form of support.
Almsman Synonyms
Some synonyms for “almsman” include:
- Beggar – ভিক্ষুক (bikṣuk)
- Mendicant – ভিক্ষুক (bikṣuk)
- Poor person – দরিদ্র ব্যক্তি (doridro byakti)
- Recipient of charity – দাতার প্রাপক (datar prapok)
Some antonyms for “almsman” include:
- Donor – দাতা (data)
- Giver – দাতা (data)
- Philanthropist – মানবতাবাদী (manobotabadhi)
- Benefactor – উপকারকারী (upokarkari)
Origin of Almsman
The word “almsman” originated from the combination of the Middle English word “almesse” (meaning alms) and the suffix “-man” (indicating a person). It has been in use since the 14th century.
Nearby Words
Some nearby words related to “almsman” include:
- Almsgiving – Noun
- Almswoman – Noun
- Almsgiver – Noun
- Alms – Noun
Almsman in Literature Quotes
Here are some quotes featuring the word “almsman” in literature:
- “The true almsman is he who, though poor, gives alms.” – সত্য ভিক্ষুক হলো সে যে যদি দরিদ্র হয়ে থাকে তবেও ভিক্ষা দেয়।
- “The almsman’s gratitude is greater than the giver’s.” – ভিক্ষুকের কৃতজ্ঞতা দাতার কৃতজ্ঞতার চেয়ে বেশি।
Meaning in Different Languages
Here is the translation of “almsman” in different languages:
- Bengali: ভিক্ষুক (bikṣuk)
- Hindi: भिक्षुक (bhikshuk)
- Nepali: भिक्षुक (bhikshuk)
- Urdu: بھکشک (bhikshuk)
- Tamil: பிக்ஷுக் (pikṣuk)
- Telugu: భిక్షుకుడు (bhikṣukuḍu)
- Arabic: متسول (mutasawwil)
- Chinese: 乞丐 (qǐgài)
- Japanese: 物乞い (monogoi)
- Russian: нищий (nishchiy)
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