
Aloofness Meaning in Bengali: অলসতা (olasata)

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: uh-loof-nis

Short Definition: Aloofness refers to the state of being distant, reserved, or uninvolved in social interactions.

Aloofness Synonyms: detachment, indifference, coldness, remoteness, reserve

Aloofness Antonyms: friendliness (বন্ধুত্ব), warmth (তাপমাত্রা), sociability (সামাজিকতা)

Origin of Aloofness: The word “aloofness” originated from the Middle English word “aloof” which means “away from.”

Nearby Words:

  • Alone (Adjective)
  • Aloft (Adverb)
  • Aloha (Noun)
  • Alopecia (Noun)
  • Along (Preposition)

Aloofness in Literature Quotes:

  1. “He stood aloof from the group, observing their interactions with a sense of detachment.” (সে দলের থেকে অলসভাবে দূরে দাঁড়িয়েছিল, তাদের আচরণগুলি একটি বিচলনের সঙ্গে পর্যবেক্ষণ করেন।)
  2. “Her aloofness made it difficult for others to approach her and establish a connection.” (তার অলসতা অন্যদের জন্য তাকে অসম্ভব করেছিল তাকে অবহিত করতে এবং সংযোগ স্থাপন করতে।)

Meaning in Different Languages:

  • Bengali: অলসতা (olasata)
  • Hindi: उदासीनता (udaasinta)
  • Nepali: उदासीनता (udaasinta)
  • Urdu: بے دلی (be dili)
  • Tamil: தூய்மை (thooymai)
  • Telugu: దూరంగతి (doorangathi)
  • Arabic: بُعد (bu’d)
  • Chinese: 冷漠 (lěngmò)
  • Japanese: 冷淡さ (reitansa)
  • Russian: отчужденность (otchuzhdennost’)

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