
Anaemias Meaning in Bengali

Bengali Meaning: অরক্তাল্পতা (araktalpota)

Part of Speech

Anaemias is a noun.


uh-nee-mee-uh s

Short Definition of Anaemias

Anaemias refers to a medical condition characterized by a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood, resulting in fatigue, weakness, and other symptoms.

Anaemias Synonyms

1. Anemia (অরক্তাল্পতা)
2. Bloodlessness (রক্তশূন্যতা)
3. Pallor (মৃদুলতা)
4. Weakness (দুর্বলতা)
5. Fatigue (অবসাদ)
6. Lethargy (অলসতা)

Anaemias Antonyms

1. Health (স্বাস্থ্য)
2. Vigor (শক্তি)
3. Energy (শক্তি)
4. Strength (শক্তি)
5. Vitality (জীবনশক্তি)

Origin of Anaemias

The word “anaemias” originated from the Greek word “anaimia,” which means “lack of blood.” It entered the English language in the early 19th century.

Nearby Words

1. Anaemia (noun)
2. Anaemic (adjective)
3. Anaerobic (adjective)
4. Analgesia (noun)
5. Anarchy (noun)

Anaemias in Literature Quotes

1. “Her pale face and tired eyes were a clear indication of her anaemias.” (তার মৃদুল মুখ এবং ক্লান্ত চোখ তার অরক্তাল্পতার প্রমাণিত চিহ্নিত ছিল।)
2. “The protagonist’s anaemias made it difficult for her to carry out her daily activities.” (প্রধান চরিত্রের অরক্তাল্পতা তাকে তার দৈনন্দিন কার্যকলাপ সম্পাদন করা কঠিন করেছিল।)

Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: অরক্তাল্পতা (araktalpota)
Hindi: रक्ताल्पता (raktalpata)
Nepali: रक्ताल्पता (raktalpata)
Urdu: رکتالپتا (raktalpata)
Tamil: இரத்தத்தின் குறைபாடு (irattattin kuṟaipāṭu)
Telugu: రక్తాల్పత (raktālpata)
Arabic: فقر الدم (faqar aldamm)
Chinese: 贫血 (pínxiě)
Japanese: 貧血 (hinketsu)
Russian: анемия (anemiya)

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