
Anagnorisis Meaning in Bengali: অনুমান করা

Part of Speech:




Short Definition of Anagnorisis:

Anagnorisis refers to the moment in a play or story when a character makes a critical discovery or realization that leads to a change in their understanding of themselves, others, or the situation they are in.

Anagnorisis Synonyms:

1. Revelation (প্রকাশ)
2. Discovery (আবিষ্কার)
3. Epiphany (প্রবোধ)
4. Recognition (চেনা)
5. Realization (স্বীকার)

Anagnorisis Antonyms:

1. Ignorance (অজ্ঞান)
2. Unawareness (অজ্ঞতা)
3. Misunderstanding (ভুল বোঝা)
4. Delusion (মোহ)
5. Deception (প্রতারণা)

Origin of Anagnorisis:

The term “anagnorisis” originated from ancient Greek drama and was first used by Aristotle in his work “Poetics.” It comes from the Greek word “anagnōrisis,” which means “recognition” or “discovery.”

Nearby Words:

1. Catharsis (Noun) – পবিত্রতা
2. Hamartia (Noun) – ভুল
3. Peripeteia (Noun) – পরিবর্তন
4. Tragedy (Noun) – বিপর্যয়
5. Drama (Noun) – নাটক

Anagnorisis in Literature Quotes:

1. “The greatest tragedies are written with the lightest touch.” – Italo Calvino (সবচেয়ে বড় বিপর্যয়গ্রস্ত গল্পগুলি সবচেয়ে হালকা স্পর্শে লেখা হয়।)
2. “The only way out is through.” – Robert Frost (একমাত্র পথ হলো এর মাধ্যমে বেরিয়ে যাওয়া।)
3. “The truth will set you free, but first, it will piss you off.” – Gloria Steinem (সত্য তোমাকে মুক্ত করবে, কিন্তু প্রথমে তোমাকে রাগ করবে।)

Meaning in Different Languages:

– Bengali: অনুমান করা
– Hindi: पहचान
– Nepali: छान्नु
– Urdu: شناخت
– Tamil: அறிவு
– Telugu: గుర్తించు
– Arabic: اكتشاف
– Chinese: 认识
– Japanese: 認識
– Russian: осознание

For more information on anagnorisis, you can visit the following sources:

Remember, anagnorisis is a powerful literary device that adds depth and complexity to narratives, allowing characters and readers alike to experience profound moments of realization and self-discovery.