Anecdote Meaning in Bengali: উপন্যাস
Part of Speech: Noun
Pronunciation: an-ik-doht
Anecdote refers to a short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person. It is often used to illustrate or emphasize a point, and is commonly shared in social settings.
- Story (গল্প)
- Tale (কাহিনী)
- Account (বর্ণনা)
- Narrative (বর্ণনামূলক)
- Fiction (কল্পনা)
- Myth (পৌরাণিক কথা)
- Lie (মিথ্যা)
- Fabrication (কল্পনা)
The word “anecdote” originated from the French word “anecdote” and the Greek word “anekdota,” meaning “unpublished items.” It was first used in English in the early 17th century.
Nearby Words:
- Anchor (Noun)
- Ancestry (Noun)
- Analyze (Verb)
- Android (Noun)
Anecdote in Literature Quotes:
- “The best anecdotes are those that have the potential to teach a valuable lesson.” (সেরা উপন্যাসগুলি হল যারা মূল্যবান শিক্ষা দেওয়ার সম্ভাবনা রয়েছে।)
- “Anecdotes add a personal touch to any story, making it more relatable and engaging.” (উপন্যাসগুলি কোনও গল্পে ব্যক্তিগত স্পর্শ যোগ করে, তা আরো সম্পর্কযোগ্য ও আকর্ষণীয় করে।)
Meaning in Different Languages:
- Bengali: উপন্যাস
- Hindi: किस्सा
- Nepali: किस्सा
- Urdu: کہانی
- Tamil: கதை
- Telugu: కథ
- Arabic: قصة
- Chinese: 轶事
- Japanese: 逸話
- Russian: анекдот
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