
Antic Meaning in Bengali: প্রতিক্রিয়া

Part of Speech:

Antic is a noun.


The pronunciation of antic is /ˈæntɪk/.

Short Definition of Antic:

Antic refers to a playful or funny act or gesture, often done to entertain others.

Antic Synonyms:

1. Prank (প্রঙ্ক)
2. Caprice (অদ্ভুত ইচ্ছা)
3. Frolic (খেলা)
4. Jest (প্রহাস)
5. Joke (মজার কথা)

Antic Antonyms:

1. Seriousness (গম্ভীরতা)
2. Sobriety (সংযম)
3. Gravity (গুরুত্ব)
4. Solemnity (উদ্দীপনা)

Origin of Antic:

The word “antic” originated from the Middle English word “antique,” which means “grotesque” or “bizarre.” It can be traced back to the Italian word “antico,” meaning “ancient” or “old.” The term was initially used to describe the exaggerated and comical movements of actors in ancient Roman and Greek theater.

Nearby Words:

1. Anticipate (verb)
2. Antidote (noun)
3. Antiseptic (adjective)
4. Antithesis (noun)
5. Antonym (noun)

Antic in Literature Quotes:

1. “He was known for his antic behavior, always making everyone laugh.” (সে তার প্রতিক্রিয়ামূলক আচরণের জন্য পরিচিত ছিল, সর্বদা সবাইকে হাসাতে হাসাতে।)
2. “The clown’s antics brought joy to the audience.” (পাগলের প্রতিক্রিয়া দর্শকদের আনন্দ দিয়েছিল।)

Meaning in Different Languages:

– Bengali: প্রতিক্রিয়া
– Hindi: नाटकीय आचरण
– Nepali: नाटकीय आचरण
– Urdu: ناٹکیہ رویہ
– Tamil: நகைச்சுவை நடத்துதல்
– Telugu: నాటకీయ ఆచరణ
– Arabic: سلوك هزلي
– Chinese: 滑稽行为
– Japanese: おどけた行動
– Russian: шутливое поведение

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