
Alkaloids Meaning in Bengali: এলকালয়েডস এর অর্থ

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: al-kuh-loidz

Short Definition of Alkaloids

Alkaloids are a group of naturally occurring chemical compounds that are mostly derived from plants. They have a complex structure and often possess pharmacological effects on humans and animals.

Alkaloids Synonyms

1. Extracts (উত্তেজনা)
2. Chemical compounds (রাসায়নিক যৌগ)
3. Plant derivatives (উদ্ভিদ উত্পাদন)

Alkaloids Antonyms

1. Acids (অ্যাসিড)
2. Inorganics (অপ্রাণিক)
3. Non-alkaloids (অ-এলকালয়েডস)

Origin of Alkaloids

The word “alkaloid” is derived from the Arabic word “al-qali” meaning “ashes of plants.” The term was first used by the German chemist Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Meißner in 1819 to describe these plant-derived compounds.

Nearby Words

1. Alkali (Noun) – ক্ষারযুক্ত পদার্থ
2. Alkaline (Adjective) – ক্ষারযুক্ত
3. Alkalinity (Noun) – ক্ষারতা

Alkaloids in Literature Quotes

1. “The alkaloids of the plant have been used for centuries in traditional medicine.” (উদ্ভিদের এলকালয়েডস বহু শতাব্দী ধরে ঐতিহাসিক চিকিৎসায় ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে।)
2. “The discovery of alkaloids revolutionized the field of pharmacology.” (এলকালয়েডস এর আবিষ্কার ঔষধবিজ্ঞানের ক্ষেত্রকে বিপ্লব করে দিল।)

Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: এলকালয়েডস
Hindi: एल्कलॉइड्स
Nepali: एल्कलॉइड्स
Urdu: الکلائیڈز
Tamil: ஆல்கலாய்ட்ஸ்
Telugu: ఆల్కలాయిడ్స్
Arabic: القلويدات
Chinese: 生物碱
Japanese: アルカロイド
Russian: алкалоиды

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