allow of

Allow of Meaning in Bengali: অনুমতি দেওয়া, সম্মত হওয়া, সম্মত করা

Part of Speech:



uh-lou ov

Short Definition of Allow of:

To permit or enable something to happen or be possible.

Allow of Synonyms:

permit, enable, authorize, sanction, approve

Allow of Antonyms:

prohibit (নিষেধ করা), disallow (অনুমতি দেওয়ার অপসারণ করা)

Origin of Allow of:

The phrase “allow of” originated from Middle English and has been in use since the 14th century. It is derived from the combination of the verb “allow” and the preposition “of.”

Nearby Words:

Allowance (Noun): a sum of money paid regularly to a person, typically to meet specified needs or expenses.
Allowed (Adjective): permitted; authorized.
Allowing (Verb): giving permission or opportunity.

Allow of in Literature Quotes:

– “The greatest happiness you can have is knowing that you do not necessarily require happiness.” – William Saroyan (সবচেয়ে বড় সুখ হলো জানা যে আপনাকে সুখের প্রয়োজন নেই।)
– “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs (মহান কাজ করার একমাত্র উপায় হলো তা যে আপনি যা করেন তা ভালবাসা।)

Meaning in Different Languages:

– Bengali: অনুমতি দেওয়া
– Hindi: अनुमति देना
– Nepali: अनुमति दिनु
– Urdu: اجازت دیں
– Tamil: அனுமதி அளிக்கவும்
– Telugu: అనుమతి ఇవ్వండి
– Arabic: السماح بـ
– Chinese: 允许
– Japanese: 許可する
– Russian: разрешить

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