
Auk Meaning in Bengali: অক, একটি পাখির নাম, একটি পাখির নাম, একটি পাখির নাম

Part of Speech:




Short Definition of Auk:

Auk refers to a type of seabird that belongs to the family Alcidae. These birds are known for their short wings, stocky bodies, and ability to swim underwater. They are commonly found in the northern hemisphere.

Auk Synonyms:

Alcid, Sea Parrot, Penguin, Puffin

Auk Antonyms:

উড়ন্ত পাখি (Flying Bird), পাখি (Bird)

Origin of Auk:

The word “auk” originated from the Old Norse word “álka” which means “auk” or “razorbill.” It was first recorded in the English language in the early 17th century.

Nearby Words:

Alcidae (Noun), Alcid (Noun), Alca (Noun)

Auk in Literature Quotes:

“The auk, who could carry his house on his back, would build still more solidly.” – Henry David Thoreau (অক, যে তার বাড়িটি তার পিঠে নিতে পারে, তারা আরও দৃঢ়ভাবে বাড়ি তৈরি করতে পারেন।)

“The auk’s egg, according to Jacobsen, is pear-shaped.” – John Burroughs (অকের ডিম, যকবসেন অনুযায়ী, নাসপাতির আকৃতির।)

Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: অক, Hindi: अक, Nepali: अक, Urdu: اوک, Tamil: ஆக், Telugu: ఆక్, Arabic: أوك, Chinese: 奥克, Japanese: オーク, Russian: аук

For more information, you can visit the Wikipedia page on Auk.

You can also find the meaning of “auk” on and The Free Dictionary.