
Aureole Meaning in Bengali

In Bengali, the word “aureole” can be translated into several meanings: প্রভামণ্ডল (prabhamandal), প্রভামণ্ডলের আলো (prabhamandaler alo), প্রভামণ্ডলের প্রকাশ (prabhamandaler prokash), প্রভামণ্ডলের প্রভা (prabhamandaler prabha).

Part of Speech

Aureole is a noun.


The pronunciation of aureole is /ˈɔːriəʊl/.

Short Definition of Aureole

An aureole is a circle of light or brightness surrounding something, especially as depicted in art around the head or body of a holy person.

Aureole Synonyms

Some synonyms of aureole include halo, nimbus, glory, corona, crown, and radiance.

Aureole Antonyms

Antonyms of aureole include darkness, shadow, obscurity, gloom, and dimness. In Bengali, the antonyms can be translated as অন্ধকার (andhkar), ছায়া (chaya), অস্পষ্টতা (aspashta), অন্ধকারতা (andhkartaa), and অস্বচ্ছতা (aswacchata) respectively.

Origin of Aureole

The word “aureole” originated from the Latin word “aureola,” which means “golden.” It entered the English language in the mid-17th century.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to aureole are:

  • 1. Aura (noun) – a distinctive atmosphere or quality.
  • 2. Auricle (noun) – the external part of the ear.
  • 3. Auriferous (adjective) – containing gold.
  • 4. Auriscope (noun) – an instrument for examining the ear.

Aureole in Literature Quotes

1. “The aureole of beauty is light around the head of a woman.” – John Keats (সুন্দরতার প্রভামণ্ডল একটি নারীর মাথায় আলো।)

2. “The aureole of virtue is the light around the head of a saint.” – Victor Hugo (ধর্মের প্রভামণ্ডল হল একটি সাধুর মাথায় আলো।)

Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: প্রভামণ্ডল (prabhamandal)

Hindi: प्रभामंडल (prabhamandal)

Nepali: प्रभामण्डल (prabhamandal)

Urdu: پرابھامنڈل (prabhamandal)

Tamil: பிரபாமண்டலம் (pirapāmaṇṭalam)

Telugu: ప్రభామండలం (prabhāmaṇḍalaṁ)

Arabic: هالة (halah)

Chinese: 光环 (guānghuán)

Japanese: オーレオール (ōreōru)

Russian: ореол (oreol)

For more information, you can visit the Wikipedia page on aureole. You can also find definitions and examples on and