
Aurist Meaning in Bengali

In Bengali, the word “aurist” can be translated into several meanings: কান বিশেষজ্ঞ (kan bisheshjon), কান ডাক্তার (kan daktaar), কান বিশেষজ্ঞ ডাক্তার (kan bisheshjon daktaar).

Part of Speech

Aurist is a noun.


The pronunciation of aurist is /ˈɔːrɪst/.

Short Definition of Aurist

An aurist is a specialist in the medical field who diagnoses and treats diseases and disorders related to the ear.

Aurist Synonyms

Some synonyms for aurist include otologist, otolaryngologist, ear specialist, and ear doctor.

Aurist Antonyms

Antonyms for aurist include কান রোগী (kan rogi) meaning “ear patient” and কান সমস্যা (kan somosya) meaning “ear problem”.

Origin of Aurist

The word “aurist” originated from the Latin word “auris” meaning “ear”.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to aurist are:

  • Ear (noun)
  • Hearing (noun)
  • Otology (noun)
  • Otoscopic (adjective)
  • Otalgia (noun)

Aurist in Literature Quotes

“The ear is the avenue to the heart.” – Voltaire (কানটি হৃদয়ের পথ। – ভল্টেয়ার)

“The ear is the only true writer and the only true reader.” – Robert Frost (কানটি একমাত্র সত্যিকারের লেখক এবং একমাত্র সত্যিকারের পাঠক। – রবার্ট ফ্রস্ট)

Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: কান বিশেষজ্ঞ (kan bisheshjon)

Hindi: कान विशेषज्ञ (kaan visheshgyan)

Nepali: कान विशेषज्ञ (kaan visheshgyan)

Urdu: کان ماہر (kaan maahir)

Tamil: காது மருத்துவர் (kaadu maruthuvar)

Telugu: చెవి వైద్యుడు (chevi vaidyudu)

Arabic: طبيب الأذن (tabib al’udhun)

Chinese: 耳科医生 (ěr kē yīshēng)

Japanese: 耳科医 (mimi kai)

Russian: отоларинголог (otolaringolog)

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