
Back-bencher Meaning in Bengali: পিছন বাঁচালদের

Part of Speech:




Definition of Back-bencher:

A back-bencher refers to a member of a legislative body, such as a parliament or congress, who does not hold a position of leadership or influence. Back-benchers typically sit in the back rows of the legislative chamber.

Back-bencher Synonyms:

1. Legislator (নিয়ামক), 2. Member of Parliament (সংসদের সদস্য), 3. Representative (প্রতিনিধি), 4. Lawmaker (আইনগত প্রণেতা), 5. Deputy (উপ-)

Back-bencher Antonyms:

1. Leader (নেতা), 2. Minister (মন্ত্রী), 3. Speaker (স্পিকার), 4. Chairman (চেয়ারম্যান), 5. President (প্রেসিডেন্ট)

Origin of Back-bencher:

The term “back-bencher” originated in the British Parliament, where members who did not hold ministerial or leadership positions would sit on the back benches of the House of Commons. The term has since been adopted in other parliamentary systems around the world.

Nearby Words:

1. Backbench (Noun), 2. Backbenchers (Noun), 3. Backbenchership (Noun), 4. Backbenches (Noun)

Back-bencher in Literature Quotes:

1. “The back-bencher is the backbone of democracy.” – John F. Kennedy (পিছন বাঁচালদ গণতন্ত্রের কণ্ঠস্বর। – জন এফ. কেনেডি)

2. “The true power lies in the hands of the back-benchers.” – George Orwell (সত্যিকারের শক্তি পিছন বাঁচালদের হাতে রয়েছে। – জর্জ ওয়েল)

Back-bencher Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: পিছন বাঁচালদের, Hindi: पीछे के बैंच के, Nepali: पछाडीको बेंचको, Urdu: پیچھے کے بینچ کے, Tamil: பின்னர் படுக்கையில், Telugu: తిరిగి బెంచ్ లో, Arabic: النائب الخلفي, Chinese: 后座议员, Japanese: バックベンチャー, Russian: задний скамейка

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