
Back-dated Meaning in Bengali: পূর্বতারিখে বসানো (verb, pronunciation: bɑːk-deɪtɪd)

Definition of Back-dated

Back-dated is a verb that refers to the act of assigning a date to a document or event that is earlier than the actual date. It is commonly used to make something appear as if it happened or was created earlier than it actually was.

Synonyms of Back-dated

1. Predate (পূর্বতারিখে বসানো)

2. Antedate (পূর্বতারিখে বসানো)

3. Postdate (পরবর্তী তারিখে বসানো)

4. Retrodate (পূর্বতারিখে বসানো)

5. Misdate (ভুল তারিখ দেওয়া)

Antonyms of Back-dated

1. Current (বর্তমান)

2. Present (বর্তমান)

3. Recent (সাম্প্রতিক)

4. Up-to-date (আধুনিক)

5. Timely (সময়ের মতো)

Origin of Back-dated

The term “back-dated” originated from the combination of the words “back” and “date.” It gained popularity in the legal and administrative fields, where documents often need to be dated accurately to establish timelines and legal validity.

Nearby Words

1. Backdate (verb)

2. Backdrop (noun)

3. Backdoor (noun)

4. Backfire (verb)

5. Backgammon (noun)

Back-dated in Literature Quotes

1. “History cannot be back-dated or made to order.” – Jawaharlal Nehru (ইতিহাসকে পূর্বতারিখে বসানো বা অর্ডার করা যায় না।)

2. “A back-dated love letter is like a wilted rose.” – Faraaz Kazi (পূর্বতারিখে বসানো প্রেমপত্র একটি শুকনো গোলাপের মতো।)

Back-dated Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: পূর্বতারিখে বসানো

Hindi: पूर्वतारीखित

Nepali: पूर्व-मिति

Urdu: پیچھے کی تاریخ

Tamil: பின்னால் தேதி

Telugu: తరువాత తేదీ

Arabic: مؤرخة للخلف

Chinese: 回溯日期

Japanese: 遡及日付

Russian: обратная дата

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