bad manners

Bad Manners Meaning in Bengali: খারাপ আচরণ, অশিষ্টতা, অশিষ্টতার অভাব, অশিষ্টতার অভাব (noun, pronunciation: bɑd ˈmænərz)

Definition of Bad Manners

Bad manners refer to socially unacceptable behavior or actions that are considered impolite, rude, or offensive. It involves actions that violate the norms and etiquettes of a particular society or culture.

Synonyms of Bad Manners

1. Rudeness (অশিষ্টতা, noun)
2. Impoliteness (অশিষ্টতা, noun)
3. Incivility (অশিষ্টতা, noun)
4. Disrespect (অপমান, noun)

Antonyms of Bad Manners

1. Politeness (শিষ্টাচার, noun)
2. Courtesy (শিষ্টাচার, noun)
3. Decorum (শিষ্টাচার, noun)
4. Etiquette (শিষ্টাচার, noun)

Origin of Bad Manners

The concept of bad manners has existed throughout history and across cultures. It is a reflection of societal norms and expectations. The origins of bad manners can be traced back to the lack of proper upbringing, ignorance, or a disregard for social conventions.

Nearby Words

1. Misbehavior (noun)
2. Impudence (noun)
3. Insolence (noun)
4. Indecency (noun)

Bad Manners in Literature Quotes

1. “Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot.” – Clarence Thomas (ভাল শিষ্টাচার সেই দরজা খুলবে যা সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ শিক্ষা করতে পারে না।)
2. “Manners maketh man.” – William of Wykeham (শিষ্টাচার মানুষ তৈরি করে।)

Bad Manners Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: খারাপ আচরণ
Hindi: बुरी आदतें
Nepali: खराब आचरण
Urdu: برے اخلاقیات
Tamil: மோசமான மனசாட்சியம்
Telugu: చెడు ఆచారాలు
Arabic: سوء الأخلاق
Chinese: 不良行为
Japanese: 悪いマナー
Russian: плохие манеры

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