balanced growth

Balanced Growth Meaning in Bengali: সময়মত বৃদ্ধি (noun, pronunciation: /sɔmɔjmɔt briddhi/), সময়মত উন্নয়ন (noun, pronunciation: /sɔmɔjmɔt unnɔeɔn/), সময়মত প্রগতি (noun, pronunciation: /sɔmɔjmɔt prɔgɔti/)

Definition of Balanced Growth

Balanced growth refers to a state of development where all aspects or sectors of an economy or society progress at a similar pace, ensuring overall stability and harmony. It involves the simultaneous advancement of various sectors, such as agriculture, industry, education, healthcare, and infrastructure, to achieve sustainable and equitable development.

Synonyms of Balanced Growth

1. Equitable Development (noun, সমতুল্য উন্নয়ন, pronunciation: /sɔmɔtulɔ unnɔeɔn/)

2. Harmonious Progress (noun, সামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ প্রগতি, pronunciation: /sɑmɔnjɔsʃɔpurɔn prɔgɔti/)

3. Balanced Advancement (noun, সময়মত উন্নয়ন, pronunciation: /sɔmɔjmɔt unnɔeɔn/)

Antonyms of Balanced Growth

1. Imbalanced Development (noun, অসময়মত উন্নয়ন, pronunciation: /ɔsɔmɔjmɔt unnɔeɔn/)

2. Unequal Progress (noun, অসমান প্রগতি, pronunciation: /ɔsɔmɑn prɔgɔti/)

3. Disproportionate Advancement (noun, অসময়মত উন্নয়ন, pronunciation: /ɔsɔmɔjmɔt unnɔeɔn/)

Origin of Balanced Growth

The concept of balanced growth emerged in the field of economics and development studies. It gained prominence during the mid-20th century when policymakers and economists recognized the need for comprehensive and inclusive development strategies to address social and economic disparities.

Nearby Words

1. Equilibrium (noun, সমতল, pronunciation: /sɔmɔtɔl/)

2. Sustainable Development (noun, স্থায়ী উন্নয়ন, pronunciation: /sthaeɔi unnɔeɔn/)

3. Inclusive Growth (noun, সম্মিলিত উন্নয়ন, pronunciation: /sɔmmilitɔ unnɔeɔn/)

Balanced Growth in Literature Quotes

1. “True progress is achieved when all segments of society experience balanced growth.” – John Doe (Bengali meaning: “সত্যিকারের উন্নয়ন হয় যখন সমাজের সব খন্ডগুলি সময়মত বৃদ্ধি অনুভব করে।” – জন ডো)

2. “A nation can only prosper with balanced growth that uplifts every citizen.” – Jane Smith (Bengali meaning: “একটি জাতি শুধুমাত্র সময়মত বৃদ্ধির সাথে উন্নতি করতে পারে যা প্রতিটি নাগরিককে উন্নত করে।” – জেন স্মিথ)

Balanced Growth Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: সময়মত বৃদ্ধি

Hindi: संतुलित विकास

Nepali: सन्तुलित विकास

Urdu: متوازن ترقی

Tamil: நிலையான வளர்ச்சி

Telugu: సమరస పెరుగుతున్నాయి

Arabic: النمو المتوازن

Chinese: 平衡增长

Japanese: バランスの取れた成長

Russian: сбалансированный рост

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