
Ballistic Meaning in Bengali: বলিস্টিক, গোলবিদ্যা, বিক্ষেপকারী (noun, adjective, verb, pronunciation: bɔˈlɪstɪk)

Definition of Ballistic

(noun) Ballistic refers to the science or study of the motion of projectiles, such as bullets or rockets, in flight. It involves the analysis of their trajectory, behavior, and performance.

Ballistic Synonyms

1. Projectile (প্রক্ষেপক, noun)
2. Missile (মিসাইল, noun)
3. Rocket (রকেট, noun)
4. Bullet (বুলেট, noun)
5. Shell (খাদ্যপাত্র, noun)

Ballistic Antonyms

1. Stationary (অবস্থানশীল, adjective)
2. Motionless (অচল, adjective)
3. Static (স্থির, adjective)
4. Fixed (নির্দিষ্ট, adjective)
5. Immovable (অচল, adjective)

Origin of Ballistic

The term “ballistic” originated from the Greek word “ballistēs,” meaning “thrower.” It was first used in the mid-18th century to describe the science of projectiles.

Nearby Words

1. Ballistic missile (noun)
2. Ballistic coefficient (noun)
3. Ballistic vest (noun)
4. Ballistic fingerprinting (noun)
5. Ballistic pendulum (noun)

Ballistic in Literature Quotes

1. “The bullet went ballistic, tearing through the air with deadly precision.” – John Smith (গুলি বলিস্টিক হয়ে গেল, মৃত্যুদন্ডকারী নির্দিষ্টতার সাথে বায়ুমণ্ডলে ছিটিয়ে যায়।)
2. “Her anger reached a ballistic level, causing chaos in the room.” – Jane Doe (তার রাগ বলিস্টিক স্তরে পৌঁছে দিয়েছিল, ঘরে অব্যবস্থা সৃষ্টি করে।)

Ballistic Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বলিস্টিক
Hindi: गोलबिद्या
Nepali: गोलबिद्या
Urdu: گولبدی
Tamil: பல்லிஸ்டிக்
Telugu: బలిస్టిక్
Arabic: بالستي
Chinese: 弹道学
Japanese: 弾道学
Russian: баллистический

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