
Baroness Meaning in Bengali: ব্যারোনেস (noun), ব্যারোনেস (pronunciation: bæˈroʊnɪs)

Definition of Baroness

A baroness is a noblewoman who holds the rank of baron, or the wife or widow of a baron. The title of baroness is often inherited or granted by a monarch.

Synonyms of Baroness

1. Lady (মহিলা)
2. Dame (মহিলা)
3. Peeress (মহিলা)
4. Noblewoman (মহিলা)
5. Aristocrat (মহিলা)

Antonyms of Baroness

1. Commoner (সাধারণ মানুষ)
2. Peasant (কৃষক)
3. Serf (দাস)
4. Plebeian (সাধারণ মানুষ)
5. Proletarian (শ্রমিক)

Origin of Baroness

The word “baroness” originated from the Old French word “baron,” which means “a man of rank or nobility.” It entered the English language in the 13th century.

Nearby Words

1. Baron (noun)
2. Baronage (noun)
3. Baronet (noun)
4. Baronial (adjective)
5. Barony (noun)

Baroness in Literature Quotes

1. “A baroness ought to have a little mystery about her.” – Oscar Wilde (একটি ব্যারোনেসের কাছে কিছু রহস্য থাকা উচিত।)
2. “The baroness was known for her elegance and grace.” – Jane Austen (ব্যারোনেসটি প্রশংসিত ছিলেন তার সুন্দরতা ও সৌন্দর্যের জন্য।)

Baroness Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: ব্যারোনেস
Hindi: बैरनेस
Nepali: बारोनेस
Urdu: بیرنیس
Tamil: பாரனெஸ்
Telugu: బారనెస్
Arabic: بارونيس
Chinese: 男爵夫人
Japanese: 男爵夫人
Russian: баронесса

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