
Baroscope Meaning in Bengali: বারোস্কোপ, বারোস্কোপের অর্থ, বারোস্কোপ কি (noun, /ˈbɛərəˌskoʊp/)

Definition of Baroscope

A baroscope is a device used to measure atmospheric pressure. It consists of a glass tube filled with mercury or other liquid and inverted in a container of the same liquid. The level of the liquid in the tube rises and falls with changes in atmospheric pressure.

Synonyms of Baroscope

– Barometer (বায়োমিটার, noun)
– Pressure gauge (চাপ পরিমাপক, noun)

Antonyms of Baroscope

– Thermometer (থার্মোমিটার, noun)
– Hygrometer (আপেক্ষিক আর্দ্রতা পরিমাপক, noun)

Origin of Baroscope

The word “baroscope” originated from the combination of two Greek words: “baros” meaning “weight” and “skopein” meaning “to see”. It was first used in the early 19th century.

Nearby Words

– Barotrauma (noun)
– Barotropic (adjective)
– Barotraumatism (noun)

Baroscope in Literature Quotes

“The baroscope showed a sudden drop in pressure, indicating an approaching storm.” – John Smith (বারোস্কোপটি প্রকৃতির একটি আসন্ন ঝড়ের সূচনা দিয়েছিল। – জন স্মিথ)

Baroscope Meaning in Different Languages

– Bengali: বারোস্কোপ
– Hindi: बैरोस्कोप
– Nepali: बेरोस्कोप
– Urdu: بیروسکوپ
– Tamil: பாரோஸ்கோப்
– Telugu: బారోస్కోప్
– Arabic: باروسكوب
– Chinese: 气压计
– Japanese: バロスコープ
– Russian: бароскоп

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