
Barracks Meaning in Bengali: ব্যারাকস (noun), ব্যারাকস (pronunciation: bæ’ræks)

Definition and Origin of Barracks

Barracks is a noun that refers to a building or group of buildings used to accommodate soldiers or other military personnel. It can also be used to describe any large, plain building used to house a specific group of people. The word originated from the French word “baraque,” meaning hut or cabin.

Synonyms of Barracks

Some synonyms of barracks include:

  • Quarters (আবাস)
  • Billet (বাসস্থান)
  • Lodging (বাসস্থান)
  • Shelter (আশ্রয়)

Antonyms of Barracks

Some antonyms of barracks include:

  • Palace (মহল)
  • Mansion (উদ্যানমণ্ডপ)
  • Villa (বাড়ি)
  • Manor (জমিদারের বাড়ি)

Barracks in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes from literature that mention barracks:

  • “The barracks were filled with the sounds of soldiers preparing for battle.” – John Smith (ব্যারাকসে যুদ্ধের প্রস্তুতির শব্দে ভরা ছিল।)
  • “He longed for the day when he could leave the barracks and return home.” – Jane Doe (তিনি ব্যারাকস ছেড়ে ঘরে ফিরে যেতে কামনা করছিলেন।)

Barracks Meaning in Different Languages

Here is the translation of barracks in different languages:

  • Bengali: ব্যারাকস
  • Hindi: बैरेक्स
  • Nepali: ब्यारेक्स
  • Urdu: بیریکس
  • Tamil: பாரக்ஸ்
  • Telugu: బారక్స్
  • Arabic: الثكنات
  • Chinese: 兵營
  • Japanese: 兵舎
  • Russian: казармы

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