
Bases Meaning in Bengali: ভিত্তি, আধার, বেস, বেসিস, বেসস, বেসেস (noun, pronunciation: /ˈbeɪsɪz/)

Definition of Bases

(noun, pronunciation: /ˈbeɪsɪz/)

Bases refer to the plural form of the word “base.” A base is the foundation or fundamental part of something, providing stability, support, or a starting point. It can also refer to a military installation or a place where operations are conducted. In chemistry, bases are substances that can accept protons or donate electron pairs.

Synonyms of Bases

(noun, pronunciation: /ˈbeɪsɪz/)

  • Foundation – ভিত্তি
  • Groundwork – আধার
  • Foot – পাদ
  • Bottom – নিচের অংশ
  • Root – মূল

Antonyms of Bases

(noun, pronunciation: /ˈbeɪsɪz/)

  • Top – শীর্ষ
  • Apex – শীর্ষবিন্দু
  • Peak – চূড়ান্ত
  • Summit – শীর্ষ
  • Pinnacle – শিখর

Bengali meanings: শীর্ষ, শীর্ষবিন্দু, চূড়ান্ত, শীর্ষ, শিখর

Origin of Bases

(noun, pronunciation: /ˈbeɪsɪz/)

The word “base” originated from the Old French word “base” and the Latin word “basis,” both meaning “foundation” or “support.” It entered the English language in the late 14th century.

Nearby Words

  • Basic – (adjective) মৌলিক
  • Basement – (noun) গৃহাগারের নিচের অংশ
  • Basin – (noun) বাসিন
  • Baseball – (noun) বেসবল
  • Baseline – (noun) বেসলাইন

Bases in Literature Quotes

“Love is the foundation of all relationships.” – John Wooden (প্রেম সমস্ত সম্পর্কের ভিত্তি।)

“The truth will always find its way to the surface.” – Paulo Coelho (সত্য সর্বদা তার পথ খুঁজে পাবে।)

Bases Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: ভিত্তি
  • Hindi: आधार
  • Nepali: आधार
  • Urdu: بیس
  • Tamil: அடிப்படை
  • Telugu: ఆధారం
  • Arabic: قواعد
  • Chinese: 基地
  • Japanese: ベース
  • Russian: основы

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