
Basest Meaning in Bengali: অতিনীচ, অতিকৃশ, অতিক্ষুদ্র, অতিপাপী (noun, verb, adjective, adverb)

Definition and Part of Speech

Basest (adjective, pronounced as /ˈbeɪst/): The superlative form of the adjective “base,” which means the lowest or most inferior in quality, character, or morality.

Synonyms of Basest

1. Meanest (অতিক্ষুদ্র)

2. Vilest (অতিপাপী)

3. Lowest (অতিনীচ)

4. Nastiest (অতিকৃশ)

Antonyms of Basest

1. Noblest (উচ্চতম)

2. Purest (পবিত্রতম)

3. Highest (উচ্চতম)

4. Finest (সর্বোত্তম)

Origin of Basest

The word “basest” originated from the Middle English word “bās” and the Old French word “bas,” both of which mean low or lowly. It can be traced back to the Latin word “bassus,” which means thick or low.

Nearby Words

1. Base (noun)

2. Baser (adjective)

3. Basely (adverb)

4. Baseness (noun)

Basest in Literature Quotes

1. “The basest of men are not beyond redemption.” – William Shakespeare (সবচেয়ে নীচের মানুষও পুনরুদ্ধার করা সম্ভব।)

2. “The basest of actions can be justified with the noblest of intentions.” – Oscar Wilde (সবচেয়ে নীচ কাজগুলির উদ্দেশ্য সবচেয়ে উচ্চতম হিসেবে প্রমাণিত করা যেতে পারে।)

Basest Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: অতিনীচ

Hindi: सबसे नीचा

Nepali: सबै निम्नतम

Urdu: سب سے گھٹیا

Tamil: அதிகமான

Telugu: అత్యంత కనిష్ఠ

Arabic: أدنى

Chinese: 最低

Japanese: 最も低い

Russian: самый низший

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