
Battalions Meaning in Bengali: ব্যাটালিয়নসমূহ (noun, pronunciation: bæˈtæl.jənz)

Definition and Origin of Battalions

A battalion refers to a large organized group of soldiers, typically consisting of three to five companies and forming part of a regiment. It is derived from the Italian word “battaglione,” meaning “battle.” Battalions are commonly used in military operations and are led by a battalion commander.

Synonyms of Battalions

1. Regiment (noun) – রেজিমেন্ট

2. Brigade (noun) – ব্রিগেড

3. Division (noun) – বিভাগ

4. Troop (noun) – ট্রুপ

5. Company (noun) – কোম্পানি

Antonyms of Battalions

1. Individual (noun) – ব্যক্তি

2. Solitary (adjective) – একাকী

3. Isolated (adjective) – বিচ্ছিন্ন

4. Alone (adverb) – একাকিত্বে

5. Singular (adjective) – একজনের

Origin and Nearby Words

The term “battalion” originated in the 16th century from the Italian word “battaglione.” It entered the English language in the early 17th century. Nearby words related to battalions include:

1. Battle (noun) – যুদ্ধ (related noun)

2. Battalion commander (noun) – ব্যাটালিয়ন কমান্ডার (related noun)

3. Battledress (noun) – যুদ্ধপোষাক (related noun)

4. Battleground (noun) – যুদ্ধমানস্থল (related noun)

5. Battlement (noun) – যুদ্ধকেলিকা (related noun)

Battalions in Literature Quotes

1. “The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.” – Abraham Lincoln (Bengali meaning: “যাঁরা এখানে লড়ে যাচ্ছে, তাঁরা জীবিত এবং মৃত, তাঁরা এটিকে পবিত্র করেছেন, আমাদের ক্ষমতার চেয়ে অনেক বেশি যোগ বা বিয়োগ করার প্রতি উচিত নয়।”)

2. “In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” – Sun Tzu (Bengali meaning: “বিশ্রামের মাঝেও সুযোগ আছে।”)

Battalions Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: ব্যাটালিয়নসমূহ

Hindi: बटालियन

Nepali: बटालियनहरू

Urdu: بیٹالینز

Tamil: பட்டலியன்கள்

Telugu: బ్యాటలియన్స్

Arabic: كتائب

Chinese: 营

Japanese: 大隊

Russian: батальоны

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