be exhausted

Be Exhausted Meaning in Bengali: অবসাদিত হওয়া, অবসাদিত হত্তয়া, অবসাদিত হওয়া, অবসাদিত হওয়া, অবসাদিত হওয়া (verb, pronunciation: biɡʰɔɪtɔʃɛd)

Definition of Be Exhausted

Be exhausted is a verb that means to be extremely tired or fatigued, often as a result of physical or mental exertion. It is a state of complete depletion of energy or strength.

Synonyms of Be Exhausted

1. Tired (অবসাদিত, adjective)
2. Weary (অবসাদিত, adjective)
3. Fatigued (অবসাদিত, adjective)
4. Drained (অবসাদিত, adjective)
5. Worn out (অবসাদিত, adjective)

Antonyms of Be Exhausted

1. Energized (শক্তিশালী, adjective)
2. Refreshed (তাজা, adjective)
3. Invigorated (প্রাণবন্ত, adjective)
4. Rejuvenated (পুনর্জীবিত, adjective)
5. Rested (বিশ্রামিত, adjective)

Origin of Be Exhausted

The word “exhausted” originated from the Latin word “exhaustus,” which means “drained out” or “emptied out.” It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Nearby Words

1. Exhaust (verb)
2. Exhaustible (adjective)
3. Exhaustion (noun)
4. Exhaustive (adjective)
5. Exhaustively (adverb)

Be Exhausted in Literature Quotes

1. “I am so tired, I just want to sleep forever.” – Sylvia Plath (আমি এতটা ক্লান্ত, আমি চাই আমি চিরকাল ঘুমাতে পারি।)
2. “Fatigue is the best pillow.” – Benjamin Franklin (অবসাদ সবচেয়ে ভালো তাকিয়ের মতো।)

Be Exhausted Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: অবসাদিত হওয়া
Hindi: थका हुआ होना
Nepali: थकित हुनु
Urdu: تھکا ہوا ہونا
Tamil: மனமார்ந்து விடு
Telugu: అతిపరిశ్రమించిన
Arabic: مرهق
Chinese: 筋疲力尽
Japanese: 疲れ果てる
Russian: истощенный

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