be informed

Be Informed Meaning in Bengali: জানা হওয়া, জ্ঞাত হওয়া, সংবেদনশীল হওয়া (verb, /bi ɪnˈfɔrmd/)

Definition of Be Informed

Be informed is a verb that means to have knowledge or be aware of something. It refers to being well-informed or having the necessary information about a particular subject or situation.

Synonyms of Be Informed

1. Acquainted (পরিচিত, adjective)
2. Aware (সচেতন, adjective)
3. Knowledgeable (জ্ঞানী, adjective)
4. In the know (জানা থাকা, phrase)
5. Well-versed (পাঠপুস্ত, adjective)

Antonyms of Be Informed

1. Ignorant (অজ্ঞ, adjective)
2. Unaware (অজ্ঞ, adjective)
3. Uninformed (অজ্ঞ, adjective)
4. Clueless (অজ্ঞ, adjective)
5. Illiterate (অশিক্ষিত, adjective)

Origin of Be Informed

The phrase “be informed” originated from the combination of the verb “be” and the adjective “informed.” The word “informed” comes from the Latin word “informare,” which means to shape or give form to. In the context of being informed, it refers to shaping one’s knowledge or being filled with information.

Nearby Words

1. Behest (noun)
2. Behind (preposition)
3. Behave (verb)
4. Behavior (noun)
5. Behead (verb)

Be Informed in Literature Quotes

1. “Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.” – Kofi Annan (জ্ঞান শক্তি। তথ্য মুক্তিদান। শিক্ষা প্রগতির আধার, প্রতিটি সমাজে, প্রতিটি পরিবারে।)
2. “The more you know, the more you realize how much you don’t know.” – Aristotle (যত বেশি জানো, তত বেশি বুঝতে পারো যে তুমি কতটা জানো না।)

Be Informed Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: জানা হওয়া
Hindi: जानकार होना
Nepali: जानकार हुनु
Urdu: مطلع ہونا
Tamil: அறிவு பெறு
Telugu: తెలియజేయండి
Arabic: يكون مطلعاً
Chinese: 被告知
Japanese: 知らされる
Russian: быть информированным

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