be rapt

বিস্মিত হওয়া, আবিষ্ট হওয়া, মুগ্ধ হওয়া (verb, be rapt, /bi ræpt/)

Definition of be rapt

When someone is “be rapt,” it means they are completely absorbed or engrossed in something, often to the point of being unaware of their surroundings. It is a state of being captivated or entranced by something.

Synonyms of be rapt

1. Enthralled (মুগ্ধ, verb)
2. Spellbound (মুগ্ধ, adjective)
3. Captivated (মুগ্ধ, adjective)
4. Engrossed (মুগ্ধ, adjective)

Antonyms of be rapt

1. Indifferent (উদাসীন, adjective)
2. Uninterested (অস্বস্তিকর, adjective)
3. Bored (বিরক্ত, adjective)
4. Distracted (বিচলিত, adjective)

Origin of be rapt

The word “rapt” comes from the Latin word “raptus,” which means “seized” or “carried away.” It was first used in English in the 14th century.

Nearby words

1. Rapture (noun)
2. Raptor (noun)
3. Raptness (noun)
4. Raptorial (adjective)

Be rapt in literature quotes

1. “She was so be rapt in the beauty of the sunset that she didn’t notice the time passing.” – John Smith (সে সূর্যাস্তের সৌন্দর্যে তাঁর মুগ্ধ হওয়ায় সময় পার হচ্ছে তাঁকে দেখতে হয়নি।)
2. “The audience was be rapt by the mesmerizing performance of the dancer.” – Jane Doe (দর্শকগণ নার্তকীর মুগ্ধ করা অদ্ভুত প্রদর্শনের মাধ্যমে।)

Be rapt Meaning in different languages

Bengali: মুগ্ধ (mugdha)
Hindi: मोहित (mohit)
Nepali: मोहित (mohit)
Urdu: مغرور (maghroor)
Tamil: மகிழ்ந்து உள்ளேன் (magizhnthu uḷḷēṉ)
Telugu: ఆకర్షించిన (ākarṣiṃcina)
Arabic: متحمس (mutahammis)
Chinese: 入迷 (rùmí)
Japanese: 魅了される (miryō sareru)
Russian: плененный (plenennyy)

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