Beans Meaning in Bengali: বিন্দুক, বিন্দুকের বীজ, বিন্দুকের গুঁড়া (noun, pronunciation: /biːnz/)
Definition of Beans
Beans refers to the edible seeds of various plants belonging to the family Fabaceae. They are typically used as a source of protein and are a staple food in many cultures around the world. Beans come in different shapes, sizes, and colors, and they can be consumed in various forms, including fresh, dried, or canned.
Beans Synonyms
1. Legumes (শিম)
2. Pulses (দাল)
3. Peas (মটরশুঁটি)
4. Lentils (মসুর ডাল)
5. Chickpeas (চনা)
Beans Antonyms
1. Meat (মাংস)
2. Fish (মাছ)
3. Poultry (পোল্ট্রি)
4. Dairy (দুগ্ধপণ্য)
5. Eggs (ডিম)
Origin of Beans
The cultivation of beans dates back thousands of years and is believed to have originated in the Middle East. From there, beans spread to different parts of the world through trade and exploration. Today, they are grown in various countries, including India, China, Brazil, and the United States.
Nearby Words
1. Beanstalk (noun)
2. Beanbag (noun)
3. Beanpole (noun)
4. Beanery (noun)
5. Beanfeast (noun)
Beans in Literature Quotes
“I have measured out my life with coffee spoons.” – T.S. Eliot (আমি আমার জীবনকে কফির চামচের সাহায্যে মাপে নিয়েছি।)
“Life is too short for self-hatred and celery sticks.” – Marilyn Wann (জীবনটি নিজের ঘৃণা এবং শাকসবজির টুকরার জন্য অত্যন্ত সংক্ষিপ্ত।)
“The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it.” – Oscar Wilde (প্রলোভন থেকে মুক্তি পেতে এটাকে মানা করা একমাত্র উপায়।)
Beans Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: বিন্দুক
Hindi: बीन्स
Nepali: बिन्स
Urdu: بینز
Tamil: பீன்ஸ்
Telugu: బీన్స్
Arabic: فاصوليا
Chinese: 豆类
Japanese: 豆
Russian: бобы
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