
Bengali meanings of Bechamel: বেচামেল, বেচামেল সস, বেচামেল সস বানানো, বেচামেল সস তৈরি করা (noun)

Part of speech & pronunciation: Bechamel (noun) /bɛʃəˈmɛl/

Definition of Bechamel

Bechamel is a noun that refers to a white sauce made from butter, flour, and milk. It is one of the mother sauces in French cuisine and is commonly used as a base for various dishes.

Synonyms of Bechamel

1. White sauce (noun) – সাদা সস

2. Cream sauce (noun) – ক্রিম সস

3. Roux sauce (noun) – রু সস

Antonyms of Bechamel

1. Red sauce (noun) – লাল সস

2. Tomato sauce (noun) – টমেটো সস

3. Spicy sauce (noun) – তীক্ষ্ণ সস

Origin of Bechamel

The word “Bechamel” originated from the French cuisine and is named after Louis de Bechamel, a French financier and politician who was known for his love of food. The sauce was popularized in the 17th century and has since become a staple in French cooking.

Nearby words

1. Butter (noun) – মাখন

2. Flour (noun) – ময়দা

3. Milk (noun) – দুধ

Bechamel in Literature Quotes

“The creamy bechamel sauce added a touch of elegance to the dish.” – John Smith (ডিশে এলে সাদা বেচামেল সসটি এলে এটির উপর এলেগেন্স যুক্ত হয়ে উঠে।)

“Her culinary skills were showcased in her bechamel-based recipes.” – Jane Doe (তার রান্নার দক্ষতা তার বেচামেল ভিত্তিক রেসিপিতে প্রদর্শিত হয়েছিল।)

Bechamel Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বেচামেল

Hindi: बेशामेल

Nepali: बेशामेल

Urdu: بیشامیل

Tamil: பேசமேல்

Telugu: బేచమేల్

Arabic: بيشاميل

Chinese: 白汁

Japanese: ベシャメル

Russian: бешамель

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