
Becomefull Meaning in Bengali: পূর্ণ হত্তয়া, পূর্ণ হওয়া, পূর্ণ হত্তয়া (verb, pronunciation: biːˈkʌm fʊl)

Definition of Becomefull

Becomefull is a verb that means to reach a state of fullness or completeness. It refers to the process of becoming fully developed or matured.

Synonyms of Becomefull

1. Mature (প্রবৃদ্ধ, adjective)
2. Ripen (পাকান, verb)
3. Develop (উন্নত করা, verb)

Antonyms of Becomefull

1. Immature (অপরিপক্ব, adjective)
2. Unripe (অপাক, adjective)
3. Underdeveloped (অপূর্ণবিকাশিত, adjective)

Origin of Becomefull

The word “becomefull” is a combination of the words “become” and “full.” The term originated in the English language.

Nearby Words

1. Become (verb)
2. Becoming (adjective)
3. Becomingly (adverb)

Becomefull in Literature Quotes

1. “The caterpillar will becomefull and transform into a beautiful butterfly.” – John Smith (মাকড়সাপ পূর্ণ হবে এবং একটি সুন্দর প্রজাপতি হিসেবে পরিণত হবে।)

Becomefull Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: পূর্ণ হত্তয়া
Hindi: पूर्ण होना
Nepali: पूर्ण हुनु
Urdu: پورا ہونا
Tamil: முழுமையாகும்
Telugu: పూర్తిగా అవుతుంది
Arabic: يصبح كاملاً
Chinese: 成熟 (chéngshú)
Japanese: 完全になる (kanzen ni naru)
Russian: становиться полным (stanovit’sya polnym)

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