
Bedaubed Meaning in Bengali: মলিন করা, মলিন করে লেপ্ত করা, মলিন করে পূর্ণ করা (verb, pronunciation: bi-dawbd)

Definition of Bedaubed

Bedaubed is a verb that means to smear or cover something with a thick or sticky substance, often in a careless or messy manner.

Synonyms of Bedaubed

Some synonyms of bedaubed include:

  • Smear (মলিন করা)
  • Daub (মলিন করা)
  • Coat (পরিপূর্ণ করা)
  • Cover (পরিপূর্ণ করা)

Antonyms of Bedaubed

Some antonyms of bedaubed include:

  • Clean (পরিষ্কার)
  • Polish (পরিষ্কার করা)
  • Scrub (পরিষ্কার করা)
  • Wipe (পরিষ্কার করা)

Origin of Bedaubed

The word bedaubed originated from the Middle English word “bedabben,” which means to besmear or soil. It is derived from the Old English word “bedæppian,” which has a similar meaning.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to bedaubed include:

  • Daubing (verb)
  • Daubery (noun)
  • Daubingly (adverb)
  • Daubable (adjective)

Bedaubed in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes from literature that include the word bedaubed:

  • “Her face was bedaubed with mud.” – Charles Dickens (তার মুখ মাটিতে মলিন করা ছিল।)
  • “The walls were bedaubed with graffiti.” – George Orwell (দেওয়ালগুলি গ্রাফিটির মাধ্যমে মলিন করা ছিল।)

Bedaubed Meaning in Different Languages

The meaning of bedaubed in different languages:

  • Bengali: মলিন করা
  • Hindi: मलिन किया गया
  • Nepali: मलिन गरिएको
  • Urdu: ملین کیا گیا
  • Tamil: மண்ணில் மயக்கமாக்கப்பட்ட
  • Telugu: మణ్ణులో ముడిచిన
  • Arabic: ملطخة
  • Chinese: 弄脏
  • Japanese: 泥で汚す
  • Russian: запачканный

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