
Beginners Meaning in Bengali: শুরুকারী, নবদীপ্ত, অল্পজ্ঞ, নবজাগরণকারী (noun, pronunciation: bih-gin-ers)

Definition of Beginners

Beginners refers to individuals who are new to a particular activity, skill, or field of study. They are at the initial stage of learning and have limited knowledge or experience in the subject matter.

Synonyms of Beginners

1. Novices (অল্পজ্ঞ, noun)
2. Amateurs (অপেশাদার, noun)
3. Rookies (নবদীপ্ত, noun)

Antonyms of Beginners

1. Experts (বিশেষজ্ঞ, noun)
2. Professionals (পেশাদার, noun)

Origin of Beginners

The word “beginners” originated from the Middle English word “beginnen,” which means “to start” or “to commence.” It can be traced back to the Old English word “beginnan” and the Proto-Germanic word “biginnan.”

Nearby Words

1. Beginner’s luck (noun)
2. Beginner’s guide (noun)
3. Beginner’s course (noun)

Beginners in Literature Quotes

1. “Every expert was once a beginner.” – Helen Hayes (প্রতিষ্ঠিত ছিল সবার আগে কেউ নবজাগরণকারী।)
2. “The expert in anything was once a beginner.” – Rutherford B. Hayes (যে কোনও বিষয়ে দক্ষ ছিলেন সেই ব্যক্তি একসময় নবজাগরণকারী ছিলেন।)

Beginners Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: শুরুকারী
Hindi: शुरुआत करनेवाले
Nepali: शुरुआती
Urdu: نوابہ
Tamil: தொடங்குபவர்கள்
Telugu: ప్రారంభికులు
Arabic: المبتدئين
Chinese: 初学者
Japanese: 初心者
Russian: новички

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