
Beguiling Meaning in Bengali: মোহনীয় (mohanīẏa), প্রলোভনীয় (pralōbhaniẏa), প্রলোভনকর (pralōbhana-kara), মোহন (mōhana), মোহক (mōhaka)

Part of Speech & Pronunciation: adjective (bih-gahy-ling)

Definition: Beguiling refers to something that is charming, attractive, or enchanting in a deceptive way. It can also mean to influence or deceive someone through flattery or trickery.

Synonyms of Beguiling: captivating, alluring, enticing, seductive, charming

Antonyms of Beguiling: repulsive (অপ্রাণবত্তা), unattractive (অপ্রলোভনীয়), dull (মনোনীত), unappealing (অপ্রাণনীয়)

Origin: The word “beguiling” originated from the Middle English word “bigilen,” which means to deceive or cheat. It can be traced back to the Old English word “bigyllan,” which has similar meanings.

Nearby Words: beguilement (noun), beguiler (noun), beguilingly (adverb)

Beguiling in Literature Quotes:

  1. “She had a beguiling smile that could charm anyone.” – Jane Austen (তিনি এমন একটি মুগ্ধকর হাসি ছিল যা কারোকেই আকর্ষিত করতে পারত।)
  2. “His beguiling words convinced her to trust him.” – William Shakespeare (তার মোহনীয় কথাগুলি তাকে বিশ্বাস করতে উদ্বিগ্ন করলো।)

Beguiling Meaning in Different Languages:

  • Bengali: মোহনীয়
  • Hindi: मोहक (mohak)
  • Nepali: मोहनीय (mohanīya)
  • Urdu: موہ لینے والا (moh lene wala)
  • Tamil: மோகமான (mōkamāṉa)
  • Telugu: మోహనంగా (mōhanaṅgā)
  • Arabic: ساحر (sahir)
  • Chinese: 迷人的 (mírén de)
  • Japanese: 魅惑的な (miwaku-tekina)
  • Russian: очаровательный (ocharovatel’nyy)

For more information on “beguiling,” you can visit the following sources:
