
Behindhand Meaning in Bengali: পিছে পড়া (noun, pichhe pora), পিছে পড়া হওয়া (verb, pichhe pora howa), পিছে পড়া হওয়া (adjective, pichhe pora howa)

Definition and Part of Speech

Behindhand (adjective, adverb) – /bɪˈhaɪndˌhænd/

1. In a state of being late or delayed.

2. Slower or less advanced in progress or development.

Synonyms of Behindhand

1. Late (বিলম্বে, noun, verb)

2. Delayed (বিলম্বিত, adjective)

3. Overdue (বিলম্বিত, adjective)

4. Tardy (বিলম্বে, adjective)

5. Slow (মন্দ, adjective)

Antonyms of Behindhand

1. Ahead (অগ্রে, noun, adverb)

2. Prompt (সময়ে, adjective)

3. Early (পূর্বে, adjective)

4. On time (সময়ে, adjective)

5. Punctual (সময়ে, adjective)

Origin of Behindhand

The word “behindhand” originated from the combination of the words “behind” and “hand.” It dates back to the 16th century and is derived from the Middle English phrase “behind the hand,” which means “in arrears” or “owing.”

Nearby Words

1. Behind (preposition, adverb)

2. Behind the scenes (idiom)

3. Behold (verb)

4. Beholden (adjective)

5. Behoove (verb)

Behindhand in Literature Quotes

“Time and tide wait for no man.” – Geoffrey Chaucer (সময় এবং প্রবাহ কারো জন্য অপেক্ষা করে না।)

“Better late than never.” – Geoffrey Chaucer (বিলম্বের চেয়ে পরেই ভালো।)

“The early bird catches the worm.” – William Camden (পূর্বে উঠা পাখি মাছ ধরে।)

Behindhand Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: পিছে পড়া

Hindi: पीछे

Nepali: पछाडि

Urdu: پیچھے

Tamil: பின்னால்

Telugu: పిఛ్చే

Arabic: متأخر

Chinese: 落后

Japanese: 遅れて

Russian: отсталый

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