
Bellies Meaning in Bengali: পেট, পেটের মাঝখান, পেটের বাঁচা, পেটের বাঁচা (noun, pronunciation: bel-eez)

Definition of Bellies

Bellies is a noun that refers to the plural form of the word belly. It is pronounced as “bel-eez”. The word belly is commonly used to describe the front part of the human body below the chest, which contains the stomach and other organs. It can also refer to the rounded or protruding part of an object or structure.

Synonyms of Bellies

Some synonyms of bellies include:

  • Stomachs (পেট)
  • Abdomens (পেটের মাঝখান)
  • Guts (পেটের বাঁচা)
  • Tummies (পেটের বাঁচা)

Antonyms of Bellies

Some antonyms of bellies include:

  • Chests (বুক)
  • Backs (পিঠ)
  • Waists (কমর)
  • Flanks (পাশের অংশ)

Origin of Bellies

The word belly originated from the Old English word belg, which means “bag” or “purse”. It has evolved over time to refer to the front part of the human body. The plural form, bellies, is used to denote multiple stomachs or protruding parts.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to bellies include:

  • Bellow (verb)
  • Bellhop (noun)
  • Bellied (adjective)
  • Bellflower (noun)

Bellies in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes from literature that mention bellies:

“His hunger was as sharp as a knife, twisting his bellies into knots.” – George R.R. Martin (তার ক্ষুধা এক ছুরির মতো তিক্ত ছিল, যা তার পেটকে গোলাকার মতো বাঁচা করে ছিল।)

“She laughed so hard that her belly ached.” – Roald Dahl (তিনি তাড়াতাড়ি হাসলেন যে তার পেট ব্যথা করেছিল।)

Bellies Meaning in Different Languages

Here is the meaning of bellies in different languages:

  • Bengali: পেট
  • Hindi: पेट
  • Nepali: पेट
  • Urdu: پیٹ
  • Tamil: வயிறு
  • Telugu: పొట్ట
  • Arabic: بطون
  • Chinese: 肚子
  • Japanese: お腹
  • Russian: животы

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