Belly Buttons Meaning in Bengali: পেটের নাভি (noun, pronunciation: peṭēra nābhi), নাভিপট (noun, pronunciation: nābhipaṭa), নাভিপটের চুম্বন (noun, pronunciation: nābhipaṭēra cumbana)
Definition of Belly Buttons
(noun, pronunciation: bel-ee buht-ns)
A belly button, also known as the navel or umbilicus, is the scar left behind after the umbilical cord is cut during childbirth. It is a small, hollowed-out area located in the center of the abdomen.
Synonyms of Belly Buttons
(noun, pronunciation: sin-uh-nimz)
- Naval (নাভিক, noun)
- Umbilical (নাভিক, adjective)
- Umbilicus (নাভিক, noun)
- Navel (নাভি, noun)
Antonyms of Belly Buttons
(noun, pronunciation: an-tuh-nimz)
- Back (পিছনে, noun)
- Spine (মেরুদণ্ড, noun)
- Vertebra (মেরুদণ্ডের অংশ, noun)
Origin of Belly Buttons
(noun, pronunciation: or-i-jin)
The belly button is a natural result of the umbilical cord being cut at birth. It is a remnant of the connection between the mother and the fetus during pregnancy. The exact origin of the term “belly button” is unclear, but it has been used in English since the 16th century.
Nearby Words
- Belly (noun)
- Button (noun)
- Abdomen (noun)
- Scar (noun)
Belly Buttons in Literature Quotes
“Her belly button was an intimate secret, like her heart, and her mouth, and her soul.” – Haruki Murakami (তার নাভিতা একটি আন্তরিক গোপন ছিল, যেমন তার হৃদয়, তার মুখ, এবং তার আত্মা।)”
“The belly button is the signature of our creation.” – Martin O’Malley (নাভিটা আমাদের সৃষ্টির স্বাক্ষর।)”
Belly Buttons Meaning in Different Languages
- Bengali: পেটের নাভি
- Hindi: नाभि
- Nepali: नाभि
- Urdu: ناف
- Tamil: தொடையின் மூளை
- Telugu: పొట్ట బటన్
- Arabic: سرة البطن
- Chinese: 肚脐
- Japanese: へそ
- Russian: пупок
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