bending down

Bending Down Meaning in Bengali: নিচে ঝুকা (noun, pronunciation: ni-che jhoo-ka), নিচে নামানো (noun, pronunciation: ni-che na-ma-no), নিচে ঝুকানো (noun, pronunciation: ni-che jhoo-ka-no)

Definition of Bending Down

(noun, pronunciation: ben-ding doun)

Bending down refers to the act of lowering one’s body or a part of the body towards the ground or a lower position. It involves the flexion of joints, such as the knees or waist, to achieve a downward position.

Synonyms of Bending Down

(noun, pronunciation: sin-o-nims)

  • Crouching – নিচে ঝুকা (noun, pronunciation: ni-che jhoo-ka)
  • Kneeling – নিচে নামানো (noun, pronunciation: ni-che na-ma-no)
  • Prostrating – নিচে ঝুকানো (noun, pronunciation: ni-che jhoo-ka-no)

Antonyms of Bending Down

(noun, pronunciation: an-tuh-nims)

  • Standing – দাঁড়ানো (noun, pronunciation: dan-dar-no)
  • Rising – উঠা (noun, pronunciation: u-tha)
  • Erecting – উঠানো (noun, pronunciation: u-tha-no)

Origin of Bending Down

(noun, pronunciation: or-i-jin)

The origin of the phrase “bending down” can be traced back to Old English, where the word “bendan” meant to flex or curve. Over time, it evolved to specifically refer to the action of lowering oneself towards the ground.

Nearby Words

  • Bend – (verb) ঝুকানো
  • Bender – (noun) ঝুকানো ব্যক্তি
  • Bendable – (adjective) ঝুকিযোগ্য

Bending Down in Literature Quotes

(noun, pronunciation: lit-uh-ruh-cher kwohts)

“And he bent down and whispered in her ear, ‘I love you.'” – William Shakespeare (এবং তিনি নিচে ঝুকে এবং তার কানে বললেন, ‘আমি তোমায় ভালবাসি।’)

“She couldn’t resist bending down to pick up the fallen flower.” – Jane Austen (তিনি পড়া ফুলটি উঠার জন্য নিচে ঝুকতে পারলেন না।)

Bending Down Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: নিচে ঝুকা
  • Hindi: झुकना
  • Nepali: झुक्नु
  • Urdu: جھکنا
  • Tamil: குழுக்கும்
  • Telugu: కూర్చును
  • Arabic: الانحناء
  • Chinese: 弯腰
  • Japanese: かがむ
  • Russian: сгибаться вниз

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