benefit of doubt

Benefit of Doubt Meaning in Bengali: সন্দেহের সুবিধা (noun, pronunciation: shon-deh-er su-bidha)


Benefit of doubt is a legal term that refers to the principle of assuming innocence in the absence of concrete evidence or proof of guilt. It is the belief that a person should be considered innocent until proven guilty.


  • Presumption of Innocence: নির্দোষতার ধারণা (noun, nir-dosh-tar dha-ro-na)
  • Trust: বিশ্বাস (noun, bi-shwa-sh)
  • Confidence: আত্মবিশ্বাস (noun, at-mo-bi-shwa-sh)


  • Suspicion: সন্দেহ (noun, shon-deh)
  • Distrust: অবিশ্বাস (noun, o-bi-shwa-sh)
  • Skepticism: সন্দেহবাদ (noun, shon-deh-bad)


The phrase “benefit of doubt” originated from the legal system, where it is used to ensure fairness and protect the rights of individuals. It is based on the fundamental principle that it is better to let a guilty person go free than to wrongly convict an innocent person.

Nearby Words

  • Beneficial: (adjective) উপকারী (up-ka-ri)
  • Beneficiary: (noun) সুবিধাভোগী (su-bi-dha-bho-gi)
  • Benefaction: (noun) উপকার (up-ka-r)

Benefit of Doubt in Literature Quotes

  • “It is better to be deceived by one’s friends than to doubt them.” – Oscar Wilde (বন্ধুদের প্রতি ভ্রম করা চাইলেও তাদের সন্দেহ করা ভালো।)
  • “Doubt is the beginning, not the end, of wisdom.” – George Iles (সন্দেহ বুদ্ধিমানের শুরু, শেষ নয়।)

Benefit of Doubt Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: সন্দেহের সুবিধা
  • Hindi: संदेह का लाभ
  • Nepali: संदेहको लाभ
  • Urdu: شبہ کا فائدہ
  • Tamil: சந்தேகத்தின் பயன்
  • Telugu: సందేహం యొక్క ప్రయోజనం
  • Arabic: فائدة الشك
  • Chinese: 疑点的好处
  • Japanese: 疑いの利益
  • Russian: польза сомнения

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