beside that

Beside That Meaning in Bengali (বাংলা অর্থ): তারপরও, তারপরই, তারপর, তারপরেও (adverb, pronunciation: bih-sahyd th at)

Beside that is an adverb that means in addition to what has already been mentioned or considered. It is used to introduce an additional point or fact.

Furthermore, moreover, additionally, also, besides.

However (তবে), nevertheless (তবু), nonetheless (তবু), notwithstanding (যদিও), still (এখনো).

The phrase “beside that” originated from Middle English and is a combination of the words “beside” and “that.” It has been used in the English language since the 14th century.

Nearby Words:
– Beside (preposition): Next to, by the side of.
– Besides (preposition): In addition to, apart from.
– Besiege (verb): To surround or attack with military forces.
– Beseech (verb): To ask someone urgently or fervently to do something.
– Beset (verb): To trouble or harass persistently.

Beside That in Literature Quotes:
1. “Beside that, all I could do was wait and hope.” – Ernest Hemingway (তারপরও, আমি করতে পারলাম শুধু অপেক্ষা করা এবং আশা করা।)
2. “Beside that, she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald (তারপরও, সে ছিলেন সবচেয়ে সুন্দর নারী যাকে আমি কখনো দেখেছি।)

Beside That Meaning in Different Languages:
– Bengali: তারপরও
– Hindi: उसके अलावा
– Nepali: त्यसैले
– Urdu: اس کے علاوہ
– Tamil: அதிலும்
– Telugu: అది పైన
– Arabic: بالإضافة إلى ذلك
– Chinese: 除此之外
– Japanese: それに加えて
– Russian: Кроме того

For more information on “beside that,” you can visit the following sources:
– [link to Wikipedia page on “beside that”]
– [link to page on “beside that”]
– [link to page on “beside that”]

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