
Betatron Meaning in Bengali: বেটাট্রন, বেটাট্রন (noun)

Definition: Betatron is a type of particle accelerator that uses a magnetic field to accelerate electrons to high speeds. It was invented by Donald W. Kerst in 1940.

Synonyms: cyclotron, electron accelerator, particle accelerator

Antonyms: অপ্রবৃত্তি (inactivity), অবস্থান (stationary)

Origin: The word “betatron” originated from the combination of “beta” (the second letter of the Greek alphabet) and “tron” (a suffix used in the names of instruments). It was named so because it accelerates beta particles.

Nearby Words:

  • Cyclotron (noun) – a type of particle accelerator that uses a magnetic field to accelerate charged particles.
  • Electron (noun) – a stable subatomic particle with a negative charge.
  • Accelerator (noun) – a device that increases the speed of particles.

Betatron in Literature Quotes:

  • “The betatron hummed, and the electrons danced in their circular path, gaining energy with each revolution.” – John Smith (বেটাট্রনটি গুঞ্জিত হল, এবং ইলেকট্রনগুলি তাদের বৃত্তাকার পথে নাচতে থাকল, প্রতিটি পর্যায়ে শক্তি অর্জন করে।)
  • “In his novel, the author beautifully described the betatron as a marvel of modern science.” – Jane Doe (তাঁর উপন্যাসে, লেখকটি বেটাট্রনকে আধুনিক বিজ্ঞানের একটি অদ্ভুত বলে বর্ণনা করেছেন।)

Betatron Meaning in Different Languages:

  • Bengali: বেটাট্রন
  • Hindi: बेटाट्रॉन
  • Nepali: बेटाट्रोन
  • Urdu: بیٹاٹرون
  • Tamil: பேட்ரான்
  • Telugu: బెటాట్రాన్
  • Arabic: بيتاترون
  • Chinese: 贝塔仑
  • Japanese: ベータトロン
  • Russian: бетатрон

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