
Bi-labiate Meaning in Bengali: দ্বিপক্ষীয় (noun, /bɪˈleɪbiːət/)

Definition and Part of Speech

Bi-labiate is a noun that refers to a flower or a lip-shaped structure that has two lips or lobes. It is pronounced as /bɪˈleɪbiːət/.

Synonyms of Bi-labiate

Some synonyms of bi-labiate are:

  • Doubly-lipped (দ্বিগুণ ঠোঁটযুক্ত)
  • Two-lipped (দুটি ঠোঁটযুক্ত)
  • Lip-shaped (ঠোঁটের আকৃতি)

Antonyms of Bi-labiate

Some antonyms of bi-labiate are:

  • Single-lipped (একটি ঠোঁটযুক্ত)
  • Non-labiate (অঠোঁটযুক্ত)
  • Simple-lipped (সাধারণ ঠোঁটযুক্ত)

Origin of Bi-labiate

The term “bi-labiate” originated from the Latin word “bi-” meaning “two” and “labium” meaning “lip”.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to bi-labiate are:

  • Bi-level (adjective)
  • Biannual (adjective)
  • Bias (noun)
  • Bible (noun)

Bi-labiate in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes from literature that include the word “bi-labiate” along with their Bengali meanings:

“The bi-labiate flower bloomed beautifully in the garden.” – John Smith (উদ্ভাসিত হল দ্বিপক্ষীয় ফুল সুন্দরভাবে উদ্ভাসিত হয়েছিল গার্ডেনে।)”

“She admired the delicate bi-labiate structure of the orchid.” – Jane Doe (ওড়কিড়ের সুগুলো দ্বিপক্ষীয় সৃক্তিটি তিনি প্রশংসা করেন।)”

Bi-labiate Meaning in Different Languages

Here is the meaning of bi-labiate in different languages:

  • Bengali: দ্বিপক্ষীয়
  • Hindi: द्विपटल
  • Nepali: द्विपटल
  • Urdu: دو لبی
  • Tamil: இரண்டு உத்திரவாய்க்குள் உள்ள
  • Telugu: రెండు తల్లిపైన
  • Arabic: ثنائي الشفة
  • Chinese: 双唇
  • Japanese: 二唇
  • Russian: Двухгубый

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