Bibb Meaning in Bengali: বিব, বিববিচ্ছেদ, বিববিচ্ছেদন, বিববিচ্ছেদনকরা (noun, verb, noun, verb)
Definition and Part of Speech
Bibb (noun) is a term used to refer to a type of lettuce with small, loose heads and tender leaves. It is pronounced as “bib” (/bɪb/).
Synonyms of Bibb
Some synonyms of bibb include:
- Butterhead lettuce (মাখনমাখনে শাক)
- Boston lettuce (বস্টন শাক)
- Limestone lettuce (চুন শাক)
Antonyms of Bibb
Some antonyms of bibb include:
- Romaine lettuce (রোমেন শাক)
- Iceberg lettuce (আইসবার্গ শাক)
- Leaf lettuce (পাতা শাক)
Origin of Bibb
The term “bibb” originated from the name of John Bibb, a 19th-century American farmer who first cultivated this type of lettuce.
Nearby Words
Some nearby words related to bibb include:
- Biannual (adjective)
- Bias (noun)
- Bible (noun)
- Biblical (adjective)
Bibb in Literature Quotes
Here are some quotes mentioning bibb:
- “I ate a delicious salad with bibb lettuce and fresh tomatoes.” – Jane Austen (আমি একটি সুস্বাদু সালাদ খেয়েছিলাম যেখানে বিব শাক এবং তাজা টমেটো ছিল।)
- “The chef prepared a mouthwatering dish using bibb lettuce as the base.” – Julia Child (রান্নাঘরের মহাকর্ষণীয় ডিশ তৈরি করেছিলেন যেখানে বিব শাকটি মূল উপাদান হিসেবে ব্যবহার করা হয়।)
Bibb Meaning in Different Languages
Here is the meaning of bibb in different languages:
- Bengali: বিব
- Hindi: बिब
- Nepali: बिब
- Urdu: بب
- Tamil: பிப்
- Telugu: బిబ్
- Arabic: بيب
- Chinese: 比卜
- Japanese: ビブ
- Russian: бибб
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