
Biddable Meaning in Bengali: আদেশগ্রহণযোগ্য, আদেশপ্রিয়, আদেশপ্রবণ, আদেশপ্রাণ্য (noun, adjective, adverb, verb)

Definition and Part of Speech

Biddable (adjective, pronounced as bi-duh-buhl) refers to someone or something that is obedient, compliant, or easily controlled. It can also describe a person who is willing to follow instructions or accept authority without question.

Synonyms of Biddable

Some synonyms of biddable include:

  • Compliant (আনুগত্যপূর্ণ)
  • Obedient (আজ্ঞাপালনশীল)
  • Submissive (নিম্নমান্য)
  • Docile (বিনয়ী)
  • Amenable (সহজপ্রবণ)

Antonyms of Biddable

Some antonyms of biddable include:

  • Rebellious (বিদ্রোহী)
  • Defiant (অবাধ্য)
  • Stubborn (জিদ্দী)
  • Disobedient (অবাধ্য)
  • Headstrong (হঠকারী)

(বিদ্রোহী, অবাধ্য, জিদ্দী, অবাধ্য, হঠকারী)

Origin of Biddable

The word biddable originated from the Middle English term “biden,” which means “to command” or “to offer.” It evolved from the Old English word “bēodan.” The suffix “-able” was added to create the adjective form.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to biddable include:

  • Bidder (noun)
  • Bidding (noun)
  • Bide (verb)
  • Bidet (noun)
  • Biddy (noun)

(noun, noun, verb, noun, noun)

Biddable in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes from literature that include the word biddable:

“She was a biddable child, always eager to please her parents.” – Jane Austen (সে একটি আদেশপ্রিয় শিশু ছিল, সর্বদা তার মাতা-পিতাকে আনন্দিত করতে চাইতো।)

“He found her biddable nature endearing, as she never questioned his decisions.” – George Orwell (তিনি তার আদেশপ্রবণ স্বভাবটি আনন্দিত পেয়েছিলেন, কারণ সে কখনও তার সিদ্ধান্তগুলি প্রশ্ন করেনি।)

Biddable Meaning in Different Languages

The word biddable is translated into different languages as follows:

  • Bengali: আদেশগ্রহণযোগ্য
  • Hindi: आदेश्य
  • Nepali: आदेश्य
  • Urdu: آمرانہ
  • Tamil: ஆணையாக்கக்கூடிய
  • Telugu: ఆదేశపూర్వకంగా
  • Arabic: مطيع
  • Chinese: 顺从的
  • Japanese: 従順な
  • Russian: послушный

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