Black Coffee Meaning in Bengali: কালো কফি (noun), /blæk ˈkɒfi/
Definition and Origin
Black coffee refers to a type of coffee that is brewed without any additives such as milk or sugar. It is typically served hot and has a strong, bitter taste. The term “black coffee” originated from the English language.
Some synonyms for black coffee include:
- Espresso (noun) – এসপ্রেসো
- Americano (noun) – আমেরিকানো
- Filter coffee (noun) – ফিল্টার কফি
- Drip coffee (noun) – ড্রিপ কফি
Antonyms for black coffee include:
- Coffee with milk (noun) – দুধের সঙ্গে কফি
- Coffee with sugar (noun) – চিনি সঙ্গে কফি
- Flavored coffee (noun) – স্বাদযুক্ত কফি
- Iced coffee (noun) – ঠাণ্ডা কফি
Black Coffee in Literature Quotes
Here are some quotes about black coffee:
“Coffee is a language in itself.” – Jackie Chan (কফি একটি ভাষা নিজেই।)
“Black as the devil, hot as hell, pure as an angel, sweet as love.” – Charles Maurice de Talleyrand (শয়তানের মত কালো, জাহান্নামের মত গরম, একটি দেবদূতের মত পবিত্র, ভালোবাসার মত মিষ্টি।)
Black Coffee Meaning in Different Languages
Here is the meaning of black coffee in various languages:
- Bengali: কালো কফি
- Hindi: काली कॉफ़ी
- Nepali: कालो कफी
- Urdu: کالی کافی
- Tamil: கருப்பு காபி
- Telugu: నల్ల కాఫీ
- Arabic: قهوة سوداء
- Chinese: 黑咖啡
- Japanese: ブラックコーヒー
- Russian: черный кофе
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