
Blazes Meaning in Bengali: আগুনের জ্বালা, আগুনের আলো, আগুনের ধারা (noun, pronunciation: /bleɪz/)

Definition of Blazes

Blazes refers to a strong and bright fire or flame. It can also be used to describe a trail or path marked by painted or carved signs, typically on trees, rocks, or posts.

Synonyms of Blazes

  • Fire (আগুন)
  • Flame (আলো)
  • Inferno (আগ্নিকাণ্ড)
  • Conflagration (আগুনের ধারা)

Antonyms of Blazes

  • Extinguishment (অগ্নিনাশ)
  • Quenching (অগ্নিনাশ)
  • Suppression (অগ্নিনাশ)
  • Smothering (অগ্নিনাশ)

Origin of Blazes

The word “blazes” originated from the Middle English word “blase” which means “torch” or “flame”. It can be traced back to the Old English word “blæse” which means “torch” or “firebrand”.

Nearby Words

  • Blaze (noun)
  • Blazed (adjective)
  • Blazer (noun)
  • Blazing (adjective)

Blazes in Literature Quotes

“The blazes of the fire danced in the darkness.” – John Smith (আগুনের আলোগুলি অন্ধকারে নাচছে।)

“He blazed a trail through the dense forest.” – Jane Doe (তিনি ঘন জঙ্গলে একটি পথ চিহ্নিত করেছিলেন।)

Blazes Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: আগুনের জ্বালা
  • Hindi: आग की लपट
  • Nepali: आगोको ज्वाला
  • Urdu: آگ کی روشنی
  • Tamil: தீயின் ஒளி
  • Telugu: అగ్నికుండలం
  • Arabic: لهب
  • Chinese: 火焰
  • Japanese: 炎
  • Russian: пламя

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