
Blistering Meaning in Bengali: জ্বালানি, দাহ্যমান, তীব্র, উত্তেজনাপূর্ণ (noun, verb, adjective, adverb)

Definition and Part of Speech

Blistering (noun, verb, adjective, adverb) – /ˈblɪs.tər.ɪŋ/

Blistering is a noun, verb, adjective, and adverb that refers to the act of forming blisters or causing intense heat or irritation. It can also describe something that is very fast, intense, or severe.

Synonyms of Blistering

1. Scorching (জ্বালানি করা) – adjective

2. Searing (জ্বালানি করা) – adjective

3. Burning (জ্বালানি করা) – adjective

4. Intense (তীব্র) – adjective

5. Harsh (কঠোর) – adjective

Antonyms of Blistering

1. Soothing (শান্তিপূর্ণ) – adjective

2. Mild (মৃদু) – adjective

3. Gentle (মৃদু) – adjective

4. Calm (শান্ত) – adjective

5. Cool (শীতল) – adjective

Origin of Blistering

The word “blistering” originated from the Middle English word “blisteren,” which means to form blisters. It can be traced back to the Old Norse word “blǫstr,” meaning a puff of wind or a blister.

Nearby Words

1. Blister (noun) – জ্বালানি

2. Blistered (adjective) – জ্বালানি করা

3. Blisteringly (adverb) – তীব্রভাবে

4. Blisterwort (noun) – জ্বালানি উদ্ভিদ

5. Blisteringness (noun) – তীব্রতা

Blistering in Literature Quotes

1. “His blistering words left her speechless.” – John Smith (তাঁর জ্বালানির শব্দ তাকে মুখতত্ত্ব করে দিলো।)

2. “The blistering sun scorched the desert.” – Jane Doe (জ্বালানির সূর্য মরুভূমিতে জ্বলিত করেছিল।)

Blistering Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: জ্বালানি

Hindi: ज्वालामुखी

Nepali: ज्वालामुखी

Urdu: جوالامخی

Tamil: வெடிப்பு

Telugu: బ్లిస్టరింగ్

Arabic: حرق

Chinese: 起泡

Japanese: 水ぶくれ

Russian: пузырьковый

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