
Blithe Meaning in Bengali: আনন্দময়, সুখপ্রদ, আলোকিত, সুখবর্ধক (noun, adjective, verb, adverb)

Definition and Part of Speech

Blithe (adjective, pronounced blahyth) means showing a casual and cheerful indifference or lack of concern; happy or joyous. It can also be used as a noun, verb, or adverb.

Synonyms of Blithe

Some synonyms of blithe are carefree, lighthearted, cheerful, merry, jolly, and gleeful.

Antonyms of Blithe

Some antonyms of blithe are sad (দুঃখিত), gloomy (মন্দমতি), melancholy (উদাসীন), and somber (অবিলাস).

Origin of Blithe

The word blithe originated from the Old English word blīthe, which means happy or gentle. It can be traced back to the Proto-Germanic word blīþiz.

Nearby Words

  • Blithely (adverb)
  • Blitheness (noun)
  • Blithesome (adjective)
  • Blithesomely (adverb)

Blithe in Literature Quotes

“And see the peaceful trees extend their myriad leaves in leisured dance—they bear the weight of sky and cloud upon the fountain of their veins.” – Kathleen Raine (এবং দেখ শান্ত গাছপালা তাদের অসংখ্য পাতাগুলি বিস্তার করে তাদের মনোরম নাচের মাধ্যমে – তারা আকাশ ও মেঘের ভার বহন করে তাদের শিরোমণিতে।)

“The blithe and unpretending light of day does not penetrate into the obscure and intricate caves of night.” – Thomas Carlyle (দিনের আনন্দময় এবং অভিমানহীন আলো রাতের অন্ধকার এবং জটিল গুহাগুহিত নয়।)

Blithe Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: আনন্দময়, Hindi: आनंदमय, Nepali: आनन्दमय, Urdu: خوش, Tamil: மகிழ்ச்சியான, Telugu: ఆనందపరమైన, Arabic: سعيد, Chinese: 快乐, Japanese: 快活, Russian: радостный

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