blowing up

Blowing Up Meaning in Bengali: বিস্ফোরণ (noun, pronunciation: bishphoran), ফুটপাত (noun, pronunciation: phutpat), বিস্ফোরণ করা (verb, pronunciation: bishphoran kora)

Definition of Blowing Up

(noun, pronunciation: bloh-ing uhp)

Blowing up refers to the act of causing an explosion or detonation. It can also mean expressing anger or frustration in a forceful manner.

Synonyms of Blowing Up

(noun, pronunciation: bloh-ing uhp)

  • Explosion – বিস্ফোরণ (pronunciation: bishphoran)
  • Burst – ফুটপাত (pronunciation: phutpat)
  • Detonation – বিস্ফোরণ করা (pronunciation: bishphoran kora)
  • Outburst – উত্তেজনা (pronunciation: uttejona)

Antonyms of Blowing Up

(noun, pronunciation: bloh-ing uhp)

  • Implosion – অন্তর্বিস্ফোরণ (pronunciation: ontorbishphoran)
  • Deflation – অবাধান (pronunciation: obadhan)
  • Suppression – দমন (pronunciation: damon)
  • Restraint – সংযম (pronunciation: songyom)

Origin of Blowing Up

The term “blowing up” originated from the combination of the words “blow” and “up.” The word “blow” comes from the Old English word “blāwan,” meaning “to produce an air current.” The word “up” refers to the direction of the explosion or the increase in intensity.

Nearby Words

  • Blow – (verb) ফুঁসা
  • Explosive – (noun) বিস্ফোরক
  • Blast – (noun) বিস্ফোরণ
  • Boom – (noun) ধ্বনি

Blowing Up in Literature Quotes

“The explosion was so powerful that it blew up the entire building.” – John Smith (বিস্ফোরণটি ততটা বলদায়ক ছিল যে এটি সম্পূর্ণ বিল্ডিংটি ধ্বংস করে ফেললো।)

“She blew up at him, shouting angrily.” – Jane Doe (তিনি তার দিকে উত্তেজিত ভাবে কথা বলে উঠলেন।)

Blowing Up Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: বিস্ফোরণ
  • Hindi: विस्फोट
  • Nepali: विस्फोट
  • Urdu: بم
  • Tamil: வெடிப்பு
  • Telugu: పూట
  • Arabic: تفجير
  • Chinese: 爆炸
  • Japanese: 爆発
  • Russian: взрыв

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