blurt out

Blurt Out Meaning in Bengali: বক্তব্য করা, অকাল বলা, অবিচারে বলা (verb, /blərt aʊt/)

Definition of Blurt Out

Blurt out is a phrasal verb that means to say something suddenly and without thinking, often revealing information that was meant to be kept secret or private. It is an impulsive and uncontrolled act of speaking without considering the consequences.

Synonyms of Blurt Out

Some synonyms of blurt out are:

  • Exclaim (উচ্চারণ করা)
  • Utter (উচ্চারণ করা)
  • Spill (বক্তব্য করা)
  • Reveal (প্রকাশ করা)
  • Disclose (প্রকাশ করা)

Antonyms of Blurt Out

Some antonyms of blurt out are:

  • Suppress (দমন করা)
  • Conceal (গোপন করা)
  • Withhold (সংরক্ষণ করা)
  • Restrain (নিয়ন্ত্রণ করা)
  • Keep quiet (চুপ থাকা)

Bengali meanings of antonyms: দমন করা, গোপন করা, সংরক্ষণ করা, নিয়ন্ত্রণ করা, চুপ থাকা

Origin of Blurt Out

The phrase blurt out originated in the early 19th century. The word “blurt” comes from the Middle English word “blerten,” which means to make a sudden noise or sound. Over time, it evolved to mean speaking suddenly and without thinking.

Nearby Words

  • Blurt (verb)
  • Blurted (verb)
  • Blurter (noun)
  • Blurting (noun)

Blurt Out in Literature Quotes

She couldn’t help but blurt out the secret.” – Jane Austen (সে গোপন বক্তব্য কেঁদে বলতে পারেনি।)

He blurted out the truth, shocking everyone in the room.” – Ernest Hemingway (সে সত্যটি বক্তব্য করে বললেন, যা কক্ষের সবাইকে আশ্চর্য করে।)

Blurt Out Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বক্তব্য করা

Hindi: बोल देना

Nepali: बोलाउनु

Urdu: بول دینا

Tamil: பேசுவதை வெளியிடு

Telugu: అందరికీ తెలియనివి చెప్పు

Arabic: ينطق بها

Chinese: 脱口而出

Japanese: 口走る

Russian: выдавить

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